Conyngham UMC insideConyngham United Methodist Church is a 250-member church, in the small town of Conyngham, just outside of Hazleton, PA. The church was founded in 1868, to serve the local farming community. Today we are a diverse body in age, occupation, life experience and gifts. We serve the greater Valley region of Hazleton, as well as the greater Hazleton area; from Conyngham, to Drums, to Sugarloaf, to communities through Black Creek and regions beyond. We maintain the values of a small community while caring for people throughout our region through cooperative Christian ideals and service.

Join Us for Worship every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Children's and Youth Sunday school begins at 9:15 a.m.
Adult Sunday School begins at 9:15 a.m.
Holy Communion is the First Sunday of Each Month. Communion is also served during seasonal services and special events as designated by the church.
As United Methodists, we are not only a local church but also a global church. Through our "connection" we are part of 475 churches, with 138,000 members throughout the Eastern Pennsylvania (EPA) Conference. Worldwide, we are 11 million people from 41,000 churches throughout 67 countries.

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Conyngham United Methodist Church.